Intuitive Readings
Intuitive Readings are a warm ‘hello’ to your Spirit or soul. They are a reading of the subtle energy in, around, and beyond your body. As a trained Intuitive, I tap into the abundance of your spiritual information and then translate that into a language you are able to hear and integrate.
Relationship Guidance
Classes & Workshops
On a group level, there is collective power when people gather together who want to evolve individually but in a group context. There is learning and heightened awareness because more people are saying, “Yes, I want this!” in a shared space. As a teacher, I believe in collaboration and co-creation. Is there support from a spiritual lens that your group could benefit from and be enhanced by? I work with a wide array of groups ~ businesses (large and small), college students, K-12 students, families, friends, or common interest groups.
Copyright Amiel Landor. All Rights Reserved.